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The practical way to reach your financial goals: Share Certificates


Share Certificates growth

Want your money to work a little harder but are hesitant to play the stock market? A share certificate can help you manage and plan for your future. Share Certificates are one of the safest ways to quickly grow your cash, and since it’s easy to estimate your earnings, this type of savings account is a great low-risk investment option that you can hold at a credit union.

What is a Share Certificate?


A Share Certificate serves a similar function as a savings account, but with a better interest rate. The big difference is that Share Certificates require you to leave your money untouched for a set length of time (or else you’ll pay a fee).


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How to use Share Certificates to earn money.


Want to save up for something special, like a travel accommodations or holiday gifts? Share Certificates may not make you rich overnight, but they're great for gradually growing your savings. When it comes time to make the purchase, you will have more in your certificate account than you originally deposited, which makes your goal that much easier to reach.

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What makes Share Certificates special?


They are predictable. Share certificates grow consistently courtesy of slow, steady interest.

They are safe. No matter what the market does, share certificates will continue to grow at the rate you locked in on day one. Share Certificates are one of a few investments considered a “cash-equivalent.” That is, safe as cash but offer slightly higher returns. They are the “safe way to save” compared to stocks and bonds.

They are flexible. Share certificates allow you to choose a term that fits your savings goals. At Louisiana FCU, terms range from six months to five years.

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Whether you’re building your savings for a short-term goal or looking to grow your account balance, Share Certificates are a smart choice for money that you want to keep safe over a relatively short period but won’t need to access.

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