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Teach your child the value of a dollar

Published on May 08, 2019


Most people want to make good financial decisions, but MANY have never had the opportunity to learn how. Unlike math, English or science—personal finance is an at-home curriculum learned either through trial and error or, for better or for worse, mom and dad.

5 tips for raising unspoiled kids

Published on April 18, 2018



Raising children is a constant balancing act. You want to provide structure and stability, but you also don’t want to run an overly militant household. It’s important to you that you show you care about your child’s whereabouts and choices, but you don’t want to be a helicopter parent. You want your kids to do well in school, but you don’t want to put too much pressure on them.

DON'T PANIC: Filing taxes as a college student

Published on January 31, 2018


Imagine skipping a day of class, then coming into the next session and seeing a test. You open the packet and see what appears to be gibberish staring back at you. Everyone else around you seems to have a perfect grasp of what’s going on, but you’re just stumbling in the dark.

That can be what the process of preparing your taxes can feel like the first time you do them. You’re given a big pile of paper and expected to sort it out yourself. It’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Before you start to panic, take a deep breath. There are a few questions that might make your life much easier. Grab that big stack of paper and ask yourself:

Ain't Nobody Got Time

Published on August 10, 2015

Have you noticed how fast the world is moving these days? We are so busy and have so much to do. No time to talk. I'll text you later using acronyms. Important projects are due for work or school. Appointments need to be scheduled. Groceries need to be bought. Dinner needs to be made. Loved ones need attention. Laundry should have been done yesterday. Can you relate?