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Jonathan Clay

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Debit Card vs. Credit Cards

Published on April 11, 2018



Most people own at least one debit card and at least one credit card. Although it may not seem like it, there are many differences between the two. Each time you use a credit card, you’re borrowing money. You’ll need to pay that money back to the credit union along with interest.

Six ways to save on your summer vacation.

Published on March 19, 2018


The open road is calling, and your dream vacation awaits! But first, you need to work out the financial details. How are you going to pay for your getaway? Ideally, a plump vacation fund is the way to go. Unfortunately, though, many of us don’t think about how we’re going to pay for vacation until it’s a few weeks away. Be proactive in planning your vacation by saving up for it in advance. Forgo some luxuries in the months or weeks leading up to your vacation and put the extra cash aside for your getaway. When you’ve got the money saved up, create a realistic vacation budget.

These six vacation saving tips will help you plan a perfect getaway without busting your budget.

Are You Making These FOUR Common Mistakes When Filing Taxes?

Published on February 27, 2018


While the IRS claims that anyone with knowledge of high school mathematics (and an afternoon to kill) can do their own taxes, the hurdles to filling out a tax form are many. Let’s take a look at some of the most common pitfalls that people make while preparing their own tax returns and how you can avoid falling into them.

DON'T PANIC: Filing taxes as a college student

Published on January 31, 2018


Imagine skipping a day of class, then coming into the next session and seeing a test. You open the packet and see what appears to be gibberish staring back at you. Everyone else around you seems to have a perfect grasp of what’s going on, but you’re just stumbling in the dark.

That can be what the process of preparing your taxes can feel like the first time you do them. You’re given a big pile of paper and expected to sort it out yourself. It’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Before you start to panic, take a deep breath. There are a few questions that might make your life much easier. Grab that big stack of paper and ask yourself:

De-stressing After the Holidays

Published on January 04, 2018


The holidays are over, and getting back to normal is never easy.

Returning to the real life is a grind – and not everyone manages it well. For some, after a bumpy few days, they’re back on track. For others, the ‘blues’ set in, accompanied by a loss of appetite, feelings of wistfulness and homesickness. This often leads to a mild depression and sense of anxiety.